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Monday, December 10, 2007

Gratitude is like a Muscle

Have you noticed that whenever you stop to notice all that's good in your life, you are surprised to notice all the wonderful things you tend to overlook? Our minds are so easily trained to focus on what's wrong that practicing the art of noticing what's right take some practice. It's like building a muscle.

At first, making lists of things to feel grateful for may feel awkward or seem contrived, but that is only because we are not used to noticing the good stuff. Just like the first time you lift a weight, it may seem awkward or too heavy. But after awhile it very much becomes a part of your life. Before long, practicing the art of gratitude becomes habitual and when it does, we reset our dominant vibrational out-signal to one of abundance, happiness, and joy.

When we don't notice all the good that is in our lives already, our gratitude muscle atrophies and we find ourselves feeling unfulfilled much of the time. However, when we practice DAILY gratitude, it's as if we build a strong healthy happiness muscle and what's very cool is we literally attract more things into our lives to feel grateful for.

Can you make practicing gratitude a daily part of your life? Can you make a small list every single day, taking the time to notice what's going right in your life already? If you make this small commitment, the pay off is so huge. Not only do you attract wonderful events into your life, you have a tangible, practical way to feel joy at will.

In our online interactive coaching program and free forums, we make time every day for you to come and practice building your gratitude muscle. We invite you to come and join us!

The Feel It Real! Interactive Coaching Program!

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