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Friday, December 28, 2007

What Three Goals Do You Want To Manifest in this New Year?

"If you don't know where you are going,you'll end up someplace else." -Yogi Berra

Whether you are in the online coaching program or not, it's so important to ask yourself what you want this coming year. Not what your resolutions are, but what you actually want to attract into your lives. It seems so simple that we need to ask ourselves what we actually want before we can have it, but so many people are so caught up in getting by and reacting to current circumstances that they don't take time out to actually get still within themselves and ask "What do I want to attract this year?" Most people never take a pen to paper and write the goals down.

In the online coaching program we are committed to helping you manifest your top three goals in the first year of the program through daily exercises and games, but the most important exercise of all is actually asking yourself, "What do I want to create this year? What are my top three desires?"

Why not do it now?

There's no better time than the New Year to get clear with the Universe on what you want to attract into your life. Get vibrationally focused and very clear on your goals, and you will attract the means to achieve them.

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