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Friday, May 30, 2008

Pissy Prissy Princess Tantrums!

Okay, so many of you have heard me speak of these tantrums I have every once awhile. I just get this spoiled little rich girl vibe going with the Universe and say, "I deserve it. I want it. I'm going to pout and be a brat until I get it! Grrr!" And for some wacky reason, the energy starts moving and I usually get the thing I want!

There's a quote I used in Feel it Real!
"It is a very funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." W. Somerset Maugham

There's something to this feeling of deservingness and entitlement. I think holding the entitlement note can be one of the most powerful things we can do.

Just today I was fed up with a certain situation and I just decided, "this is below my standards, Universe! I deserve it to be better! Grrrr" (pissy prissy princess).

And sure enough, later that day, the situation was better.

So, today I'm going to hold the entitlement note...(and maybe even for the rest of my life!)

Love and Magic,

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Can You Create Your Next President Using The Law of Attraction?

Most everyone has heard about the New York Times Bestselling Phenomenon, The Secret. The secret of The Secret is that there is a basic law of the Universe called "The Law of Attraction". The Law of Attraction says that we attract our reality to us by how we're focusing/feeling. If we're focusing on what we want and getting into the feeling place of having what we want, we'll attract it.

But the question is this. Can we really manifest anything we want using the Law of Attraction? If we create our reality, does that include our entire reality?

For instance, is it possible to manifest the U.S. President we want to have elected this coming November simply by imagining the outcome we desire?

If the Law of Attraction is truly a law, then it is a law all the time. If the Law is truly a law, it should work on anything and everything, including what U.S. President will be in office this coming January.

The only potential problem with this theory is that if I'm focusing on my Democratic presidential candidate winning and you're focusing on your Republican presidential candidate winning, how does the Law of Attraction work then?

It could be argued that whoever is focusing with the most emotional intensity on their president winning will manifest it. I'm not sure of the answer to this question. But what I am sure of is this. We can powerfully influence the outcomes of the election by how we focus our attention. Our vote matters. How we flow our energy matters. Visualizing the president you want in office greatly influences reality.

In my book, Feel It Real! A Guided Approach For Bringing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life, I have a game called the "It Already Happened Game". This game will help you get into the feeling place of already having the U.S. President you want in office.

The more emotional intensity you put into the following visualization, the more powerfully you will vibrationally influence the presidential outcome you want.

Let's try it now.

Think of the Presidential Candidate you would like to have elected this coming November.

Now imagine how you would feel if your candidate had already been elected. What does it feel like moment you find out the election results? Describe how this makes you feel. Think of five emotions you feeling now that your president has won?

Then imagine that your candidate has been in the White House as your President for six months. He or She has been in office half a year. What changes have taken place in U.S. Policy? What wonderful things have happened to the country? To the world? How does that feel? Can you name five emotions you are feeling now?

Imagine now that your candidate has been in office for four years as your President. What has your president accomplished during their first term in office? In what ways have they improved the country and the world in these four years? How excited are you to vote for them in a second term? How do you feel about your country? Describe how you feel now that your president has been in office for an entire term. What are five emotions you feel about this?

And, finally, imagine that it's been twenty years since your candidate became president. How did their presidency improve our country over time? What has been their greatest legacy? Looking back over the past twenty years, how has this president improved the world? How happy are you that they were elected all those years ago? Can you name five emotions you feel now that it's been twenty years since they were elected?

As you become more familiar wit the vibration of already having the president you desire, you will be sending out a vibrational signal that matches the frequency of that president winning, thus attracting it to you.

From my experience I have found that gratitude is one of the most commonly felt emotions for anyone who has his/her desire fulfilled. So take a minute and be thankful that your president was elected! Celebrate in advance! This is guaranteed to make you feel good and if you feel good about your desire, you are powerfully sending out energy that will attract it!

Visualizing the candidate you want as president will influence the outcomes and help you to attract the president you desire!

But with all that said, don't forget to go out and vote!

Love and magic,

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How to Feel Yourself Thin

Does this sound like you?

You've been trying to lose weight for years. Diet after diet has either given you limited success or failed you altogether. You can't seem to figure out how to get the scale to budge, even when you've been eating nothing but rice cakes and salads for weeks on end. In frustration, you decide you were just never blessed with "skinny genes" or maybe you fear that you've ruined your metabolism through years of dieting. Or worse, your concerned that a slow thyroid could be stalling your weight loss. You've worked out endlessly, cut out carbohydrates, starved yourself, and even contemplated diet pills.

Have you ever wondered if maybe there is an easier way?

I mean, think about it. Our bodies are these incredibly intricate miracles. They are precision-based mechanisms designed to perform incredible feats in each moment. Regenerating cells, unconsciously blinking to protect our eyes, beating our hearts, pumping our blood, sending white blood cells to heal us, clearing out toxins, and digesting whatever crazy thing we put into it. Our bodies are constantly orchestrating perfectly timed and correlated events to keeps us alive.

If our bodies are so capable of operating themselves and finding their own balance, why does finding our ideal weight seem to be so elusive?

I believe the answer is simple. Our bodies are constantly responding to the stream of thoughts, images, and feelings we send to them all day long. When we go to a scary movie, our bodies can't tell that there is no genuine threat. Our hearts beat faster, our hands get clammy, and the blood rushes to our limbs. We shoot out adrenaline as if we're the ones being terrorized on the screen.

To test this idea, imagine yourself eating a lemon. Vividly imagine cutting the lemon, smelling its tart aroma, then taking a lemon wedge and squeezing the juice into your mouth. Imagine the sour taste of the lemon.

Notice anything? Mouth watering? From feeding your mind the image of you eating the lemon, your body has released the amount of saliva that would be secreted if you were actually eating the lemon.

What does this have to do with weight loss, you might ask?


Our bodies are also responding to the image of its shape and size that we feed it. If we imagine ourselves as overweight with a slow metabolism, low energy, and unable to lose weight easily, just like with the lemon, our body assumes its true and goes to work to make it happen by slowing our metabolism and holding onto weight. So when we constantly judge our plump body in the mirror or weigh ourselves obsessively only to find we're gaining weight, we are actually feeding our body the image of ourselves as bigger.

The good news is that the reverse is also true. If we begin to regularly imagine ourselves living in the thin bodies of our dreams right now, with lightning fast metabolisms, thin and toned muscles, and high energy, our body assumes this is here already and so it goes to work to make that happen. That's right. It speeds up our metabolism, makes us easily burn fat, and even gets us moving more often because we've imagined ourselves with high energy!

Taking this a step further: If you have heard of The Secret, you have heard about "The Law of Attraction" which says that whatever we focus on, we attract more of it into our lives. When we focus on the feelings of wealth, we attract more wealth. When we focus on the feelings of finding true love, we attract true love. The Universe literally magnetizes to us anything that matches what thoughts and emotions we are habitually sending out.

So, if you begin to feed yourself the thoughts, images, and feelings of already being someone who has your ideal body and you do it often enough, you will literally begin to attract the circumstances that will help to make that happen for you. For instance, you may attract just the right eating plan that works for your body type. You may attract the exact workout program that gives your body the fastest results. You may even attract someone close to you inviting you hiking more often. This is the Law of Attraction in action.

As a Law of Attraction coach, I have seen hundreds of my clients create gorgeously thin, toned, and healthy bodies by changing the thoughts, images, and emotions they send out to the Universe on a consistent basis. They began feeling thin before they were thin. They would imagine themselves in the size dress they wanted to wear before they could fit into it. They would imagine themselves performing challenging physical activities with grace and ease. And their bodies listened! By vividly imagining already living in the bodies of their dreams on a consistent basis, it seemed that their bodies gently started to morph into the image that the client was holding of their gorgeous figure!

The Universe then moved heaven and earth to make the weight loss happen. It all became easy and natural. It no longer felt like these clients were knocking their heads against a wall just to lose a couple of pounds. They would attract the right news article, discover the right eating program for their body, find the right book for them, or join the right gym, etc. I have seen people create the exact bodies they wanted after nothing else seemed to work. (How could it work when our bodies kept responding to the overweight images we kept feeding them)?

In my book, Feel It Real! A Guided Approach To Bringing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life, I have provided some exercises for those who are wanting to lose weight using the Law of Attraction.

Here is one of them. It's called "The Sculpture Game."

This game involves imagining the feelings you would experience if you had your ideal figure already.

Close your eyes. Put your arms in front of you and vividly imagine touching a sculpture of yourself with your ideal body. If you are feeling your body as thinner, feel the details of your slender face, your well-defined cheekbones. Feel your arms thinner and more toned, feel your hip bones. If you want to manifest more muscles, imagine feeling your toned biceps and your strong legs. Feel your curves and angles, as if you were really touching them right now. What does it feel like? Feel the skin across your stomach, your chest, your neck. Do this long enough until you feel a very real emotional response. Do it until you feel your body chemistry shift into the joy of having this body you love. Hold on to this feeling for as long as you can.

If you are feeling creative you may even want to buy some clay and sculpt your ideal body. Remember to have fun with this. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece; it just has to help you get into the feeling place of having the body you desire.

Play the sculpture game every day for thirty days and your body will start responding by morphing into the self image you are feeding it. The Universe will respond by bringing into your life the exact resources and information that will make it easy for you to create the body you love!

Love and magic,

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