Daily Personal Mini-Coaching

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Leggo My Ego!"

Okay, so today I was chatting with a friend about the 'ego'. Some teachers say to embrace it. Some teachers say the ego is the "enemy", etc.

After I got off the phone, I turned within and asked my Inner Guidance "What's up with this whole "ego" thing? Why do so many teachers say it's not good, etc. etc. What is the "ego" anyway?

Well, I felt a surge of happy goosebumps(always a clear sign that my Intuition is speaking) and I got a FIRBEE translation of what the "ego" is.


The Ego= The wanting feeling.
The Spirit=The having feeling.

The ego says I want things. The Spirit says I have everything. The ego says there's not enough. The Spirit says there's more than enough.

Desiring from the ego/wanting feeling is painful. Desiring from our Spirit of feeling like we already have it is heavenly.

Neat, huh?

But instead of hating our wanting/needing feelings, why not LOVE those feelings too? Thank them, embrace them. Talk tenderly to our wanting/needing feelings. Tell them we love them too and instantly the "ego" melts into havingness and love.

I love you. I say thank you to you all today. I love having a place to share this stuff!

Love and Magic,

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