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Friday, May 30, 2008

Pissy Prissy Princess Tantrums!

Okay, so many of you have heard me speak of these tantrums I have every once awhile. I just get this spoiled little rich girl vibe going with the Universe and say, "I deserve it. I want it. I'm going to pout and be a brat until I get it! Grrr!" And for some wacky reason, the energy starts moving and I usually get the thing I want!

There's a quote I used in Feel it Real!
"It is a very funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." W. Somerset Maugham

There's something to this feeling of deservingness and entitlement. I think holding the entitlement note can be one of the most powerful things we can do.

Just today I was fed up with a certain situation and I just decided, "this is below my standards, Universe! I deserve it to be better! Grrrr" (pissy prissy princess).

And sure enough, later that day, the situation was better.

So, today I'm going to hold the entitlement note...(and maybe even for the rest of my life!)

Love and Magic,

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