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Saturday, July 5, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What Is It That Keeps Us From Staying Positive?
What is the one thing that stops us from feeling it real? I'll tell you in a minute, but before I do...
You know, the little trick to making The Law of Attraction work in your life is to somehow find a way to feel fulfilled before you get all the goodies. To get yourself to actually feel like all of your dreams have already come true before they do. (Just like in the magnetizers and vibrational games). To imagine the joy so vividly that you actually alter your body chemistry to "buzz" with the delight of having the desire before it gets here.
Do it long enough and often enough and you will become a highly charged magnetic force towards your desire.
Many people who practice feeling it real with me at my website say they know what to do, but they find themselves procrastinating on doing it.
Why is that?
What is it that stops them from doing something they've seen work in their own lives and the lives of so many others?
Negativity Addiction.
I know it sounds crazy, but some part of us craves worry, lack, fear, doubt, judgment, etc. because we are familiar with the body chemical hormones that flood into our bloodstream when we do so. When we start imagining that we're happy, rich, successful, thin, healthy, and fulfilled, that addictive part of our mind (Some people call it the "ego") steps in and finds ways for us to get our focus back on lackful conditions and situations.
Even people who do visualize and get into the feeling place of already having their desires can end up feeding the negativity by constantly checking to see if their desire has manifested yet. They aren't willing to hold the emotional note long enough to let the "cake bake" on its own without constantly checking on it, which is another subtle form of negative thought addiction.
Most people are completely blind to the fact that they are, indeed, addicted to negative thoughts and their emotional counterparts.
Here's something you can do every time you feel your vibration dip to the negative or you find yourself stalling on your feel it real exercises.
It's called Speed Thanking and it is very effective to break negative thought addiction if you use it RIGHT when you notice the addiction taking over. Here's how it works.
The second you feel negativity taking over, quickly say OUT LOUD Fifty Things You Are Grateful For In Your Life Right Now.
It helps if you can do this with a friend (even over the phone), but if you're alone it works just as well. State these fifty gratitudes as quickly as you can because thinking of so many things so quickly will also help you get out of the negative mental groove because your mind has to work so hard to think of things to feel grateful for.
Try it for a week and see if you don't notice your overall moods lifting because you're not feeding the negative addiction and you're literally rewiring your brain and creating new neural pathways that will make being positive get easier and easier.
Once we overcome our negativity addiction, Feeling It Real and manifesting our desires becomes a piece of cake. We then become positively addicted to feeling good! Our lives start to reflect that and it becomes a win/win success cycle!
Love and Magic,
You know, the little trick to making The Law of Attraction work in your life is to somehow find a way to feel fulfilled before you get all the goodies. To get yourself to actually feel like all of your dreams have already come true before they do. (Just like in the magnetizers and vibrational games). To imagine the joy so vividly that you actually alter your body chemistry to "buzz" with the delight of having the desire before it gets here.
Do it long enough and often enough and you will become a highly charged magnetic force towards your desire.
Many people who practice feeling it real with me at my website say they know what to do, but they find themselves procrastinating on doing it.
Why is that?
What is it that stops them from doing something they've seen work in their own lives and the lives of so many others?
Negativity Addiction.
I know it sounds crazy, but some part of us craves worry, lack, fear, doubt, judgment, etc. because we are familiar with the body chemical hormones that flood into our bloodstream when we do so. When we start imagining that we're happy, rich, successful, thin, healthy, and fulfilled, that addictive part of our mind (Some people call it the "ego") steps in and finds ways for us to get our focus back on lackful conditions and situations.
Even people who do visualize and get into the feeling place of already having their desires can end up feeding the negativity by constantly checking to see if their desire has manifested yet. They aren't willing to hold the emotional note long enough to let the "cake bake" on its own without constantly checking on it, which is another subtle form of negative thought addiction.
Most people are completely blind to the fact that they are, indeed, addicted to negative thoughts and their emotional counterparts.
Here's something you can do every time you feel your vibration dip to the negative or you find yourself stalling on your feel it real exercises.
It's called Speed Thanking and it is very effective to break negative thought addiction if you use it RIGHT when you notice the addiction taking over. Here's how it works.
The second you feel negativity taking over, quickly say OUT LOUD Fifty Things You Are Grateful For In Your Life Right Now.
It helps if you can do this with a friend (even over the phone), but if you're alone it works just as well. State these fifty gratitudes as quickly as you can because thinking of so many things so quickly will also help you get out of the negative mental groove because your mind has to work so hard to think of things to feel grateful for.
Try it for a week and see if you don't notice your overall moods lifting because you're not feeding the negative addiction and you're literally rewiring your brain and creating new neural pathways that will make being positive get easier and easier.
Once we overcome our negativity addiction, Feeling It Real and manifesting our desires becomes a piece of cake. We then become positively addicted to feeling good! Our lives start to reflect that and it becomes a win/win success cycle!
Love and Magic,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
How Can I Let My Good In Today?
This is such a great question to ask ourselves when we feel like we're pushing for our desires to manifest.
Instead of trying to make the good come to us, why not ask this simple question of the Universe.
"How can I let in my good today?"
Close your eyes, open the energy center at the top of your head. Let the Love from your Soulself fill you.
Then, listen for an answer.
Here's what I got for myself:
"Follow the 'buzz'. If whatever you're focusing on makes you feel buzzingly happy, you're letting it in. When you focus on your desires, buzz with the joy of imagining them as here. When you focus on what is around you, buzz with the joy of what's currently beautiful. That's all you need to do."
"Buzzingly" is my new favorite non-word.
So today I'm going to become more sensitive to how I'm feeling. If I'm buzzing with joy, I'm letting my good in. When I'm not buzzing with joy, I'll look for ways to buzz again. That simple.
Buzzingly yours,
Denise Coates
Instead of trying to make the good come to us, why not ask this simple question of the Universe.
"How can I let in my good today?"
Close your eyes, open the energy center at the top of your head. Let the Love from your Soulself fill you.
Then, listen for an answer.
Here's what I got for myself:
"Follow the 'buzz'. If whatever you're focusing on makes you feel buzzingly happy, you're letting it in. When you focus on your desires, buzz with the joy of imagining them as here. When you focus on what is around you, buzz with the joy of what's currently beautiful. That's all you need to do."
"Buzzingly" is my new favorite non-word.
So today I'm going to become more sensitive to how I'm feeling. If I'm buzzing with joy, I'm letting my good in. When I'm not buzzing with joy, I'll look for ways to buzz again. That simple.
Buzzingly yours,
Denise Coates
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Truly Go There...
Walt Disney once said: "When you believe a thing, believe it all the way."
When it comes to The Law of Attraction, I would like to add: "When you feel like it's already here, feel it all the way."
Meaning...Don't just think about what it might feel like to have your desire.
Truly go there.
Feel your being expand.
Feel the goose bumps all over your body.
Feel the deep sense of "All is right in the world."
Feel the gratitude tears.
Feel the awe and wonder at having been given such an amazing gift.
Really go there.
That's what truly makes you magnetic to your good.
Feel the thing all the way.
Love and Magic,

When it comes to The Law of Attraction, I would like to add: "When you feel like it's already here, feel it all the way."
Meaning...Don't just think about what it might feel like to have your desire.
Truly go there.
Feel your being expand.
Feel the goose bumps all over your body.
Feel the deep sense of "All is right in the world."
Feel the gratitude tears.
Feel the awe and wonder at having been given such an amazing gift.
Really go there.
That's what truly makes you magnetic to your good.
Feel the thing all the way.
Love and Magic,
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Self Love Is A Magnetic Vibration
Let's start the weekend vibing at self love!
Answer the following...
1. What is one of the things you most love about yourself?
2. What is the kindest thing you've ever done for anyone?
3. What is your best external feature?
4. What is your best internal feature?
5. What was the cutest thing about you as a child?
6. What is a compliment you get all the time?
7. Who has told you they admire you and why?
8. What is a cute adorable eccentricity about yourself?
9. What are you really really good at?
10. Who have you made feel really loved in their life?
11. If you could forgive yourself for all your mistakes and love yourself now, what might that feel like?
12. What one kind thing can you do for yourself today?
13. What kind thing can you do for yourself this year?
14. What gift can you give yourself because you ARE worth it?
15. Who has made you feel the most loved in your life? Can you give that kind of love to yourself?
16. What are you most proud of?
17. What do you think Source sees when it looks at you?
18. Who Are You behind this particular incarnation? Who are you REALLY?
19. Give yourself a hug right now. How does it feel?
20. Say the following words to yourself: "May I be happy, healthy, and peaceful. May I feel loved." Say it over and over directed at each body part.
How does it feel?

Answer the following...
1. What is one of the things you most love about yourself?
2. What is the kindest thing you've ever done for anyone?
3. What is your best external feature?
4. What is your best internal feature?
5. What was the cutest thing about you as a child?
6. What is a compliment you get all the time?
7. Who has told you they admire you and why?
8. What is a cute adorable eccentricity about yourself?
9. What are you really really good at?
10. Who have you made feel really loved in their life?
11. If you could forgive yourself for all your mistakes and love yourself now, what might that feel like?
12. What one kind thing can you do for yourself today?
13. What kind thing can you do for yourself this year?
14. What gift can you give yourself because you ARE worth it?
15. Who has made you feel the most loved in your life? Can you give that kind of love to yourself?
16. What are you most proud of?
17. What do you think Source sees when it looks at you?
18. Who Are You behind this particular incarnation? Who are you REALLY?
19. Give yourself a hug right now. How does it feel?
20. Say the following words to yourself: "May I be happy, healthy, and peaceful. May I feel loved." Say it over and over directed at each body part.
How does it feel?
Friday, June 13, 2008
"To Feel" Lists
Are you a "to do" list kind of person?
This is my Law of Attraction version of a "To do" list. It's exponentially more powerful because you're leveraging the Universe.
Get out a piece of paper.
Draw a line down the center of the page.
On the Left side of the line, you write down your regular "to do" list.
On the Right side of the line, you write down your "TO FEEL" LIST. Meaning, "Here are all the emotions I want to feel today." Such as: "I want to feel like a millionaire, I want to feel thin" etc.
I've done this the last five mornings.
I check things off of the "To Feel" list if even for a few moments in my day, I felt like this desire of mine already happened.
For example, on the left side of the page, you could write:
1. go to gym
2. clean car
On the right side, you write:
1. To feel like I'm already in my dream home.
2. To feel like my Soulmate is madly in love with me.
3. To feel like I'm wealthy.
I've been making the right side of my list even MORE important than the left, and in truth it IS! Because you attract with emotions exponentially faster than with action alone!
I love checking the items off my list at the end of the day.
I like saying "I REALLLLLY felt like a N.Y.T. bestselling author today. I REALLLLY felt like a multi-millionnaire today", etc.
I'm telling you, I am becoming a manifesting virtuoso from playing this game and reminding myself that holding the feeling notes every day of HAVING the desire, even for a couple of minutes is more powerful than EVERYTHING on the left side of my "To Do" list.
Try it.
At the very least you'll feel happier every day!

This is my Law of Attraction version of a "To do" list. It's exponentially more powerful because you're leveraging the Universe.
Get out a piece of paper.
Draw a line down the center of the page.
On the Left side of the line, you write down your regular "to do" list.
On the Right side of the line, you write down your "TO FEEL" LIST. Meaning, "Here are all the emotions I want to feel today." Such as: "I want to feel like a millionaire, I want to feel thin" etc.
I've done this the last five mornings.
I check things off of the "To Feel" list if even for a few moments in my day, I felt like this desire of mine already happened.
For example, on the left side of the page, you could write:
1. go to gym
2. clean car
On the right side, you write:
1. To feel like I'm already in my dream home.
2. To feel like my Soulmate is madly in love with me.
3. To feel like I'm wealthy.
I've been making the right side of my list even MORE important than the left, and in truth it IS! Because you attract with emotions exponentially faster than with action alone!
I love checking the items off my list at the end of the day.
I like saying "I REALLLLLY felt like a N.Y.T. bestselling author today. I REALLLLY felt like a multi-millionnaire today", etc.
I'm telling you, I am becoming a manifesting virtuoso from playing this game and reminding myself that holding the feeling notes every day of HAVING the desire, even for a couple of minutes is more powerful than EVERYTHING on the left side of my "To Do" list.
Try it.
At the very least you'll feel happier every day!
The most creative thing you can do is nothing at all.
When we push and shove and claw our way to our goals, we may actually be stopping the flow.
So, sit still. Do nothing.
Just listen.
In my own life, when I try to figure it all out or fix it from a place of fear or lack, I usually make things worse.
What might happen if I did nothing instead?
Except listened.
And relaxed.
Love and Magic,
Denise Coates

The most creative thing you can do is nothing at all.
When we push and shove and claw our way to our goals, we may actually be stopping the flow.
So, sit still. Do nothing.
Just listen.
In my own life, when I try to figure it all out or fix it from a place of fear or lack, I usually make things worse.
What might happen if I did nothing instead?
Except listened.
And relaxed.
Love and Magic,
Denise Coates
Monday, June 9, 2008
Ten Things Not To Do When Using The Law Of Attraction
1. Don't take score too soon to see if your desire has manifested or is manifesting.
That's focusing on the lack! And lack attracts lack back. That's why they say "A watched pot never boils." Instead, just ignore the outer conditions and stay focused on imagining you already have your desire.
That's focusing on the lack! And lack attracts lack back. That's why they say "A watched pot never boils." Instead, just ignore the outer conditions and stay focused on imagining you already have your desire.
2. Don't tell all your negative or disbelieving family and friends that you're "manifesting" or "attracting" your desire.
This announcement may be met with sarcastic comments, rolling of the eyes, and definitely will deflate your happy bliss bubble! You need to stay positive when thinking of your desire so only tell people who believe you can manifest using L.O.A. about your plan.
This announcement may be met with sarcastic comments, rolling of the eyes, and definitely will deflate your happy bliss bubble! You need to stay positive when thinking of your desire so only tell people who believe you can manifest using L.O.A. about your plan.
3. Don't yearn.
Yearning is bad. It's a low frequency out-signal that tells the Universe you want a whole lot more of not having your desire. Instead, get familiar with the "having it already" feeling. This will eliminate yearning!
Yearning is bad. It's a low frequency out-signal that tells the Universe you want a whole lot more of not having your desire. Instead, get familiar with the "having it already" feeling. This will eliminate yearning!
4. Don't take for granted what's already good in your life!
You have to ground your big desires in the fertile soil of present gratitude. Otherwise, that creates yearning. See above for why yearning is no good. So make daily gratitude lists in your head or on paper or on our free forums! This will keep you vibrating at abundance before your desire manifests.
You have to ground your big desires in the fertile soil of present gratitude. Otherwise, that creates yearning. See above for why yearning is no good. So make daily gratitude lists in your head or on paper or on our free forums! This will keep you vibrating at abundance before your desire manifests.
5. Don't take your attracting/manifesting too seriously.
If you make it "hard work", you're lowering the vibration of your out-signal. You have to trick the Universe (and yourself) into feeling like you are already celebrating your success!
If you make it "hard work", you're lowering the vibration of your out-signal. You have to trick the Universe (and yourself) into feeling like you are already celebrating your success!
6. Don't be jealous of others who have what you want.
That's just low frequency stuff. Jealousy is just a sign that you're not in the "feeling and believing place of already having your desire and you're back into yearning. When someone else has what you want, decide to CELEBRATE their success. Throw a party in their honor, knowing that they are living proof that it's possible to have this desire!
That's just low frequency stuff. Jealousy is just a sign that you're not in the "feeling and believing place of already having your desire and you're back into yearning. When someone else has what you want, decide to CELEBRATE their success. Throw a party in their honor, knowing that they are living proof that it's possible to have this desire!
7. Don't judge yourself or beat yourself up for being negative.
That's just more negativity. When you find yourself down or feeling lackful, give yourself permission and be kind to yourself about it. Then, as quickly as possible, turn it around to focus on something wonderful in your life.
That's just more negativity. When you find yourself down or feeling lackful, give yourself permission and be kind to yourself about it. Then, as quickly as possible, turn it around to focus on something wonderful in your life.
8. Don't go it alone.
There is a broader/bigger/more all knowing version of you who is right there, just ecstatic about the idea of helping you manifest your desire. Connect in with that Source and you'll have a lot more power! And if you don't believe in a Higher Power, then join a Law of Attraction group to get support. Try to join a L.O.A. social networking site.
There is a broader/bigger/more all knowing version of you who is right there, just ecstatic about the idea of helping you manifest your desire. Connect in with that Source and you'll have a lot more power! And if you don't believe in a Higher Power, then join a Law of Attraction group to get support. Try to join a L.O.A. social networking site.
9. Don't always make the grass greener on the other side.
When you manifest a desire, decide to stop and truly celebrate it before moving on to the next thing.
When you manifest a desire, decide to stop and truly celebrate it before moving on to the next thing.
10. And finally, don't think there's only one way your desire can come to you.
It can manifest in infinite ways when you open up, let go, and let it in. When you are so focused on "how" your desire will manifest, you're limiting the Universe by only using a small part of your mind and consciousness to figure things out. There's a very wise Universal Intelligence that can bring things to you in the most miraculous ways. Trust that.
It can manifest in infinite ways when you open up, let go, and let it in. When you are so focused on "how" your desire will manifest, you're limiting the Universe by only using a small part of your mind and consciousness to figure things out. There's a very wise Universal Intelligence that can bring things to you in the most miraculous ways. Trust that.
Love and Magic,
Denise Coates
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Flexing Your Feel Better Muscles
Yesterday, as my personal trainer was pushing me to my limit, I noticed something very interesting. I'm huffing and puffing and dripping in sweat, and I look over at him and he's smiling. Totally relaxed and comfortable as he sweetly tells me the next weight I'm supposed to lift is a little heavier and how "this time, you'll do the whole set."
And I get to thinking.
This is really no different than what I do as your Feel It Real coach in the Interactive Coaching Program. I get in there with you and tell you to stop and "give me fifty gratitudes" or I say, "hurry up and tell me ten ways you're already wealthy. Go!" etc. etc. But, at the end of the day if I don't get my own workout in, I'm going to get just as 'emotionally flabby' as the next negative guy.
Why is that?
Because learning to master our vibrational/emotional frequencies is very much like building and maintaining physical muscles. Without practice, positivity can atrophy, just like our muscles atrophy without movement.
And I can tell you until I'm blue in the face that you need to be a vibrational millionaire by feeling rich now, or that you need to play the Already Happened Game in order to send out the right frequency so you attract your desire. But, if I'm not practicing these games myself on a consistent enough basis, my positive and joyful frequency can grow weaker, just like muscles that haven't been worked out in months.
So, yes, it takes a little bit of practice with these vibrational games to manifest the life of your dreams. My book Feel It Real makes it pretty darned easy to practice because you can just open a page and play a game whenever you're down.
That little bit of effort will not only net you the life you love. You'll enjoy the process a whole lot more than I enjoy the sore muscles I get from working out with my personal trainer.
So right now, stop and "give me fifty".
Say fifty things out loud that you are grateful for in your life. You have three minutes to say all fifty. (Look at a watch or get a timer if you need to.)
The faster you do this exercise, the more powerful it will be.
Things like this and other vibrational games and magnetizers will get you in the best emotional shape of your life!
And yes, you are worth vibrating at high happy frequencies so you can attract back a happy life!
Here's to living your dreams.
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And I get to thinking.
This is really no different than what I do as your Feel It Real coach in the Interactive Coaching Program. I get in there with you and tell you to stop and "give me fifty gratitudes" or I say, "hurry up and tell me ten ways you're already wealthy. Go!" etc. etc. But, at the end of the day if I don't get my own workout in, I'm going to get just as 'emotionally flabby' as the next negative guy.
Why is that?
Because learning to master our vibrational/emotional frequencies is very much like building and maintaining physical muscles. Without practice, positivity can atrophy, just like our muscles atrophy without movement.
And I can tell you until I'm blue in the face that you need to be a vibrational millionaire by feeling rich now, or that you need to play the Already Happened Game in order to send out the right frequency so you attract your desire. But, if I'm not practicing these games myself on a consistent enough basis, my positive and joyful frequency can grow weaker, just like muscles that haven't been worked out in months.
So, yes, it takes a little bit of practice with these vibrational games to manifest the life of your dreams. My book Feel It Real makes it pretty darned easy to practice because you can just open a page and play a game whenever you're down.
That little bit of effort will not only net you the life you love. You'll enjoy the process a whole lot more than I enjoy the sore muscles I get from working out with my personal trainer.
So right now, stop and "give me fifty".
Say fifty things out loud that you are grateful for in your life. You have three minutes to say all fifty. (Look at a watch or get a timer if you need to.)
The faster you do this exercise, the more powerful it will be.
Things like this and other vibrational games and magnetizers will get you in the best emotional shape of your life!
And yes, you are worth vibrating at high happy frequencies so you can attract back a happy life!
Here's to living your dreams.
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Three Tips For Being A Vibrational Millionaire
Hello Bright Lights,
Imagine a world where your every financial need has already been met. Your bank accounts are overflowing. You don't even want money because you're so rich already. You could never spend it all.
Can you imagine it?
Can you imagine being the one that people have a hard time shopping for because you're "the man/woman who has it all"? How about being the one who always picks up the checks, never looks at price tags, and gives lavishly to your favorite charities?
Can you imagine being a millionaire?
How vividly?
If it's very easy for you to imagine this, then you're magnetically drawing money to you as we speak, via The Law of Attraction. (Especially if you feel this way all the time.)
But if wealth feels far off; like a distant yearning. If you feel discouraged or jealous of those who are wealthy, then you could probably use the three following tips, some of which are taken from my Vibrational Millionaire program. These tips will help you get into the feeling place of being wealthy, thus drawing your millions to you by The Law of Attraction.
Tip #1: Mentally And Emotionally Spend Lots Of Money
Most people who don't have enough money make the mistake of constricting their vibration and limiting their desire and passion because they don't have the ability to buy the things they are wanting. This habit of energetic constriction unfortunately creates more lack in their vibration and gives them even less money to spend.
One way to counter this constricting energy is to mentally and emotionally spend thousands, even millions of dollars every day to keep the expansive wealth energy flowing out from your aura. This doesn't require you to spend one actual penny! What you do is PRETEND you are buying lavish homes, yachts, clothes, cars, jewelry, gifts, donating to charities, etc. by using catalogs, magazines, or the internet to help you "window shop". You can even make a collage of all the things you're "buying" to convince your subconscious mind you are WEALTHY NOW. You see, your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real spending and pretend spending! So go "buy" everything you want! It will keep your vibration set at "wealth".
Tip #2: Find Ways To Feel Rich Right Now
Most people who are wanting money are sending out the frequency of "not enough right now", thus drawing more lack into their lives. We can turn this around and get ourselves out-signalling at wealth by listing the ways we are already wealthy and focusing on those wealth lists several times a day. The best way to do this is to get an "Already Wealthy" journal and every day list at least five ways you are already wealthy in that journal. Day one could read something like this: 1. I'm already wealthy in great health! I'm so fit and healthy! 2. I'm already wealthy in friends who love and accept me! 3. I'm already wealthy in shoes! I have so many shoes, it's amazing! 4. I'm already wealthy in books! I have more books than anyone I know. 5. I'm already wealthy in true love. My marriage is the best!
By the time you're done with your list, you'll be vibrating at wealth and sending out the signal of "more than enough" which, of course, attracts even more abundance to you (in all its forms, including money). One way to feel wealthy fast is to go back over several days worth of wealth lists and read them aloud whenever you're feeling lackful.
TIP#3: Make A Decision To Give Some Money Away Every Day (even if it's only a quarter!)
This tip isn't in the Vibrational Millionaire program, but it's a powerful one to get you to send out the frequency of "I have so much, I have enough to give others." By sending a dollar to the Red Cross or giving a quarter to a homeless person, you are literally reprogramming your own frequency to "more than enough".
Think about it. When you're rich, you'll probably feel really generous and giving because you have more than enough! Well, in so many ways you already do have more than enough. The truth is you have more than many people in this world if you have food to eat and a roof over your head. Share the wealth, even if it's just a dime, and you'll set your frequency at higher and higher wealth signals! This will help attract more money to you in the most fun and seemingly miraculous ways!
Finally, remember that all you want from great wealth is the way you think it's going to make you feel. You can feel safe and secure and free now, just by imagining that you are already wealthy! Also, you can think of all the ways you are already safe and secure and free!
Whatever the case, remember this: Wealth is a choice you make every day.
Love and Magic,
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Imagine a world where your every financial need has already been met. Your bank accounts are overflowing. You don't even want money because you're so rich already. You could never spend it all.
Can you imagine it?
Can you imagine being the one that people have a hard time shopping for because you're "the man/woman who has it all"? How about being the one who always picks up the checks, never looks at price tags, and gives lavishly to your favorite charities?
Can you imagine being a millionaire?
How vividly?
If it's very easy for you to imagine this, then you're magnetically drawing money to you as we speak, via The Law of Attraction. (Especially if you feel this way all the time.)
But if wealth feels far off; like a distant yearning. If you feel discouraged or jealous of those who are wealthy, then you could probably use the three following tips, some of which are taken from my Vibrational Millionaire program. These tips will help you get into the feeling place of being wealthy, thus drawing your millions to you by The Law of Attraction.
Tip #1: Mentally And Emotionally Spend Lots Of Money
Most people who don't have enough money make the mistake of constricting their vibration and limiting their desire and passion because they don't have the ability to buy the things they are wanting. This habit of energetic constriction unfortunately creates more lack in their vibration and gives them even less money to spend.
One way to counter this constricting energy is to mentally and emotionally spend thousands, even millions of dollars every day to keep the expansive wealth energy flowing out from your aura. This doesn't require you to spend one actual penny! What you do is PRETEND you are buying lavish homes, yachts, clothes, cars, jewelry, gifts, donating to charities, etc. by using catalogs, magazines, or the internet to help you "window shop". You can even make a collage of all the things you're "buying" to convince your subconscious mind you are WEALTHY NOW. You see, your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real spending and pretend spending! So go "buy" everything you want! It will keep your vibration set at "wealth".
Tip #2: Find Ways To Feel Rich Right Now
Most people who are wanting money are sending out the frequency of "not enough right now", thus drawing more lack into their lives. We can turn this around and get ourselves out-signalling at wealth by listing the ways we are already wealthy and focusing on those wealth lists several times a day. The best way to do this is to get an "Already Wealthy" journal and every day list at least five ways you are already wealthy in that journal. Day one could read something like this: 1. I'm already wealthy in great health! I'm so fit and healthy! 2. I'm already wealthy in friends who love and accept me! 3. I'm already wealthy in shoes! I have so many shoes, it's amazing! 4. I'm already wealthy in books! I have more books than anyone I know. 5. I'm already wealthy in true love. My marriage is the best!
By the time you're done with your list, you'll be vibrating at wealth and sending out the signal of "more than enough" which, of course, attracts even more abundance to you (in all its forms, including money). One way to feel wealthy fast is to go back over several days worth of wealth lists and read them aloud whenever you're feeling lackful.
TIP#3: Make A Decision To Give Some Money Away Every Day (even if it's only a quarter!)
This tip isn't in the Vibrational Millionaire program, but it's a powerful one to get you to send out the frequency of "I have so much, I have enough to give others." By sending a dollar to the Red Cross or giving a quarter to a homeless person, you are literally reprogramming your own frequency to "more than enough".
Think about it. When you're rich, you'll probably feel really generous and giving because you have more than enough! Well, in so many ways you already do have more than enough. The truth is you have more than many people in this world if you have food to eat and a roof over your head. Share the wealth, even if it's just a dime, and you'll set your frequency at higher and higher wealth signals! This will help attract more money to you in the most fun and seemingly miraculous ways!
Finally, remember that all you want from great wealth is the way you think it's going to make you feel. You can feel safe and secure and free now, just by imagining that you are already wealthy! Also, you can think of all the ways you are already safe and secure and free!
Whatever the case, remember this: Wealth is a choice you make every day.
Love and Magic,
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Friday, May 30, 2008
Pissy Prissy Princess Tantrums!
Okay, so many of you have heard me speak of these tantrums I have every once awhile. I just get this spoiled little rich girl vibe going with the Universe and say, "I deserve it. I want it. I'm going to pout and be a brat until I get it! Grrr!" And for some wacky reason, the energy starts moving and I usually get the thing I want!
There's a quote I used in Feel it Real!
"It is a very funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." W. Somerset Maugham
There's something to this feeling of deservingness and entitlement. I think holding the entitlement note can be one of the most powerful things we can do.
Just today I was fed up with a certain situation and I just decided, "this is below my standards, Universe! I deserve it to be better! Grrrr" (pissy prissy princess).
And sure enough, later that day, the situation was better.
So, today I'm going to hold the entitlement note...(and maybe even for the rest of my life!)
Love and Magic,
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There's a quote I used in Feel it Real!
"It is a very funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." W. Somerset Maugham
There's something to this feeling of deservingness and entitlement. I think holding the entitlement note can be one of the most powerful things we can do.
Just today I was fed up with a certain situation and I just decided, "this is below my standards, Universe! I deserve it to be better! Grrrr" (pissy prissy princess).
And sure enough, later that day, the situation was better.
So, today I'm going to hold the entitlement note...(and maybe even for the rest of my life!)
Love and Magic,
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denise coates,
feel it real,
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The Law Of Attraction,
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Can You Create Your Next President Using The Law of Attraction?
Most everyone has heard about the New York Times Bestselling Phenomenon, The Secret. The secret of The Secret is that there is a basic law of the Universe called "The Law of Attraction". The Law of Attraction says that we attract our reality to us by how we're focusing/feeling. If we're focusing on what we want and getting into the feeling place of having what we want, we'll attract it.
But the question is this. Can we really manifest anything we want using the Law of Attraction? If we create our reality, does that include our entire reality?
For instance, is it possible to manifest the U.S. President we want to have elected this coming November simply by imagining the outcome we desire?
If the Law of Attraction is truly a law, then it is a law all the time. If the Law is truly a law, it should work on anything and everything, including what U.S. President will be in office this coming January.
The only potential problem with this theory is that if I'm focusing on my Democratic presidential candidate winning and you're focusing on your Republican presidential candidate winning, how does the Law of Attraction work then?
It could be argued that whoever is focusing with the most emotional intensity on their president winning will manifest it. I'm not sure of the answer to this question. But what I am sure of is this. We can powerfully influence the outcomes of the election by how we focus our attention. Our vote matters. How we flow our energy matters. Visualizing the president you want in office greatly influences reality.
In my book, Feel It Real! A Guided Approach For Bringing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life, I have a game called the "It Already Happened Game". This game will help you get into the feeling place of already having the U.S. President you want in office.
The more emotional intensity you put into the following visualization, the more powerfully you will vibrationally influence the presidential outcome you want.
Let's try it now.
Think of the Presidential Candidate you would like to have elected this coming November.
Now imagine how you would feel if your candidate had already been elected. What does it feel like moment you find out the election results? Describe how this makes you feel. Think of five emotions you feeling now that your president has won?
Then imagine that your candidate has been in the White House as your President for six months. He or She has been in office half a year. What changes have taken place in U.S. Policy? What wonderful things have happened to the country? To the world? How does that feel? Can you name five emotions you are feeling now?
Imagine now that your candidate has been in office for four years as your President. What has your president accomplished during their first term in office? In what ways have they improved the country and the world in these four years? How excited are you to vote for them in a second term? How do you feel about your country? Describe how you feel now that your president has been in office for an entire term. What are five emotions you feel about this?
And, finally, imagine that it's been twenty years since your candidate became president. How did their presidency improve our country over time? What has been their greatest legacy? Looking back over the past twenty years, how has this president improved the world? How happy are you that they were elected all those years ago? Can you name five emotions you feel now that it's been twenty years since they were elected?
As you become more familiar wit the vibration of already having the president you desire, you will be sending out a vibrational signal that matches the frequency of that president winning, thus attracting it to you.
From my experience I have found that gratitude is one of the most commonly felt emotions for anyone who has his/her desire fulfilled. So take a minute and be thankful that your president was elected! Celebrate in advance! This is guaranteed to make you feel good and if you feel good about your desire, you are powerfully sending out energy that will attract it!
Visualizing the candidate you want as president will influence the outcomes and help you to attract the president you desire!
But with all that said, don't forget to go out and vote!
Love and magic,
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But the question is this. Can we really manifest anything we want using the Law of Attraction? If we create our reality, does that include our entire reality?
For instance, is it possible to manifest the U.S. President we want to have elected this coming November simply by imagining the outcome we desire?
If the Law of Attraction is truly a law, then it is a law all the time. If the Law is truly a law, it should work on anything and everything, including what U.S. President will be in office this coming January.
The only potential problem with this theory is that if I'm focusing on my Democratic presidential candidate winning and you're focusing on your Republican presidential candidate winning, how does the Law of Attraction work then?
It could be argued that whoever is focusing with the most emotional intensity on their president winning will manifest it. I'm not sure of the answer to this question. But what I am sure of is this. We can powerfully influence the outcomes of the election by how we focus our attention. Our vote matters. How we flow our energy matters. Visualizing the president you want in office greatly influences reality.
In my book, Feel It Real! A Guided Approach For Bringing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life, I have a game called the "It Already Happened Game". This game will help you get into the feeling place of already having the U.S. President you want in office.
The more emotional intensity you put into the following visualization, the more powerfully you will vibrationally influence the presidential outcome you want.
Let's try it now.
Think of the Presidential Candidate you would like to have elected this coming November.
Now imagine how you would feel if your candidate had already been elected. What does it feel like moment you find out the election results? Describe how this makes you feel. Think of five emotions you feeling now that your president has won?
Then imagine that your candidate has been in the White House as your President for six months. He or She has been in office half a year. What changes have taken place in U.S. Policy? What wonderful things have happened to the country? To the world? How does that feel? Can you name five emotions you are feeling now?
Imagine now that your candidate has been in office for four years as your President. What has your president accomplished during their first term in office? In what ways have they improved the country and the world in these four years? How excited are you to vote for them in a second term? How do you feel about your country? Describe how you feel now that your president has been in office for an entire term. What are five emotions you feel about this?
And, finally, imagine that it's been twenty years since your candidate became president. How did their presidency improve our country over time? What has been their greatest legacy? Looking back over the past twenty years, how has this president improved the world? How happy are you that they were elected all those years ago? Can you name five emotions you feel now that it's been twenty years since they were elected?
As you become more familiar wit the vibration of already having the president you desire, you will be sending out a vibrational signal that matches the frequency of that president winning, thus attracting it to you.
From my experience I have found that gratitude is one of the most commonly felt emotions for anyone who has his/her desire fulfilled. So take a minute and be thankful that your president was elected! Celebrate in advance! This is guaranteed to make you feel good and if you feel good about your desire, you are powerfully sending out energy that will attract it!
Visualizing the candidate you want as president will influence the outcomes and help you to attract the president you desire!
But with all that said, don't forget to go out and vote!
Love and magic,
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How to Feel Yourself Thin
Does this sound like you?
You've been trying to lose weight for years. Diet after diet has either given you limited success or failed you altogether. You can't seem to figure out how to get the scale to budge, even when you've been eating nothing but rice cakes and salads for weeks on end. In frustration, you decide you were just never blessed with "skinny genes" or maybe you fear that you've ruined your metabolism through years of dieting. Or worse, your concerned that a slow thyroid could be stalling your weight loss. You've worked out endlessly, cut out carbohydrates, starved yourself, and even contemplated diet pills.
Have you ever wondered if maybe there is an easier way?
I mean, think about it. Our bodies are these incredibly intricate miracles. They are precision-based mechanisms designed to perform incredible feats in each moment. Regenerating cells, unconsciously blinking to protect our eyes, beating our hearts, pumping our blood, sending white blood cells to heal us, clearing out toxins, and digesting whatever crazy thing we put into it. Our bodies are constantly orchestrating perfectly timed and correlated events to keeps us alive.
If our bodies are so capable of operating themselves and finding their own balance, why does finding our ideal weight seem to be so elusive?
I believe the answer is simple. Our bodies are constantly responding to the stream of thoughts, images, and feelings we send to them all day long. When we go to a scary movie, our bodies can't tell that there is no genuine threat. Our hearts beat faster, our hands get clammy, and the blood rushes to our limbs. We shoot out adrenaline as if we're the ones being terrorized on the screen.
To test this idea, imagine yourself eating a lemon. Vividly imagine cutting the lemon, smelling its tart aroma, then taking a lemon wedge and squeezing the juice into your mouth. Imagine the sour taste of the lemon.
Notice anything? Mouth watering? From feeding your mind the image of you eating the lemon, your body has released the amount of saliva that would be secreted if you were actually eating the lemon.
What does this have to do with weight loss, you might ask?
Our bodies are also responding to the image of its shape and size that we feed it. If we imagine ourselves as overweight with a slow metabolism, low energy, and unable to lose weight easily, just like with the lemon, our body assumes its true and goes to work to make it happen by slowing our metabolism and holding onto weight. So when we constantly judge our plump body in the mirror or weigh ourselves obsessively only to find we're gaining weight, we are actually feeding our body the image of ourselves as bigger.
The good news is that the reverse is also true. If we begin to regularly imagine ourselves living in the thin bodies of our dreams right now, with lightning fast metabolisms, thin and toned muscles, and high energy, our body assumes this is here already and so it goes to work to make that happen. That's right. It speeds up our metabolism, makes us easily burn fat, and even gets us moving more often because we've imagined ourselves with high energy!
Taking this a step further: If you have heard of The Secret, you have heard about "The Law of Attraction" which says that whatever we focus on, we attract more of it into our lives. When we focus on the feelings of wealth, we attract more wealth. When we focus on the feelings of finding true love, we attract true love. The Universe literally magnetizes to us anything that matches what thoughts and emotions we are habitually sending out.
So, if you begin to feed yourself the thoughts, images, and feelings of already being someone who has your ideal body and you do it often enough, you will literally begin to attract the circumstances that will help to make that happen for you. For instance, you may attract just the right eating plan that works for your body type. You may attract the exact workout program that gives your body the fastest results. You may even attract someone close to you inviting you hiking more often. This is the Law of Attraction in action.
As a Law of Attraction coach, I have seen hundreds of my clients create gorgeously thin, toned, and healthy bodies by changing the thoughts, images, and emotions they send out to the Universe on a consistent basis. They began feeling thin before they were thin. They would imagine themselves in the size dress they wanted to wear before they could fit into it. They would imagine themselves performing challenging physical activities with grace and ease. And their bodies listened! By vividly imagining already living in the bodies of their dreams on a consistent basis, it seemed that their bodies gently started to morph into the image that the client was holding of their gorgeous figure!
The Universe then moved heaven and earth to make the weight loss happen. It all became easy and natural. It no longer felt like these clients were knocking their heads against a wall just to lose a couple of pounds. They would attract the right news article, discover the right eating program for their body, find the right book for them, or join the right gym, etc. I have seen people create the exact bodies they wanted after nothing else seemed to work. (How could it work when our bodies kept responding to the overweight images we kept feeding them)?
In my book, Feel It Real! A Guided Approach To Bringing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life, I have provided some exercises for those who are wanting to lose weight using the Law of Attraction.
Here is one of them. It's called "The Sculpture Game."
This game involves imagining the feelings you would experience if you had your ideal figure already.
Close your eyes. Put your arms in front of you and vividly imagine touching a sculpture of yourself with your ideal body. If you are feeling your body as thinner, feel the details of your slender face, your well-defined cheekbones. Feel your arms thinner and more toned, feel your hip bones. If you want to manifest more muscles, imagine feeling your toned biceps and your strong legs. Feel your curves and angles, as if you were really touching them right now. What does it feel like? Feel the skin across your stomach, your chest, your neck. Do this long enough until you feel a very real emotional response. Do it until you feel your body chemistry shift into the joy of having this body you love. Hold on to this feeling for as long as you can.
If you are feeling creative you may even want to buy some clay and sculpt your ideal body. Remember to have fun with this. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece; it just has to help you get into the feeling place of having the body you desire.
Play the sculpture game every day for thirty days and your body will start responding by morphing into the self image you are feeding it. The Universe will respond by bringing into your life the exact resources and information that will make it easy for you to create the body you love!
Love and magic,
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You've been trying to lose weight for years. Diet after diet has either given you limited success or failed you altogether. You can't seem to figure out how to get the scale to budge, even when you've been eating nothing but rice cakes and salads for weeks on end. In frustration, you decide you were just never blessed with "skinny genes" or maybe you fear that you've ruined your metabolism through years of dieting. Or worse, your concerned that a slow thyroid could be stalling your weight loss. You've worked out endlessly, cut out carbohydrates, starved yourself, and even contemplated diet pills.
Have you ever wondered if maybe there is an easier way?
I mean, think about it. Our bodies are these incredibly intricate miracles. They are precision-based mechanisms designed to perform incredible feats in each moment. Regenerating cells, unconsciously blinking to protect our eyes, beating our hearts, pumping our blood, sending white blood cells to heal us, clearing out toxins, and digesting whatever crazy thing we put into it. Our bodies are constantly orchestrating perfectly timed and correlated events to keeps us alive.
If our bodies are so capable of operating themselves and finding their own balance, why does finding our ideal weight seem to be so elusive?
I believe the answer is simple. Our bodies are constantly responding to the stream of thoughts, images, and feelings we send to them all day long. When we go to a scary movie, our bodies can't tell that there is no genuine threat. Our hearts beat faster, our hands get clammy, and the blood rushes to our limbs. We shoot out adrenaline as if we're the ones being terrorized on the screen.
To test this idea, imagine yourself eating a lemon. Vividly imagine cutting the lemon, smelling its tart aroma, then taking a lemon wedge and squeezing the juice into your mouth. Imagine the sour taste of the lemon.
Notice anything? Mouth watering? From feeding your mind the image of you eating the lemon, your body has released the amount of saliva that would be secreted if you were actually eating the lemon.
What does this have to do with weight loss, you might ask?
Our bodies are also responding to the image of its shape and size that we feed it. If we imagine ourselves as overweight with a slow metabolism, low energy, and unable to lose weight easily, just like with the lemon, our body assumes its true and goes to work to make it happen by slowing our metabolism and holding onto weight. So when we constantly judge our plump body in the mirror or weigh ourselves obsessively only to find we're gaining weight, we are actually feeding our body the image of ourselves as bigger.
The good news is that the reverse is also true. If we begin to regularly imagine ourselves living in the thin bodies of our dreams right now, with lightning fast metabolisms, thin and toned muscles, and high energy, our body assumes this is here already and so it goes to work to make that happen. That's right. It speeds up our metabolism, makes us easily burn fat, and even gets us moving more often because we've imagined ourselves with high energy!
Taking this a step further: If you have heard of The Secret, you have heard about "The Law of Attraction" which says that whatever we focus on, we attract more of it into our lives. When we focus on the feelings of wealth, we attract more wealth. When we focus on the feelings of finding true love, we attract true love. The Universe literally magnetizes to us anything that matches what thoughts and emotions we are habitually sending out.
So, if you begin to feed yourself the thoughts, images, and feelings of already being someone who has your ideal body and you do it often enough, you will literally begin to attract the circumstances that will help to make that happen for you. For instance, you may attract just the right eating plan that works for your body type. You may attract the exact workout program that gives your body the fastest results. You may even attract someone close to you inviting you hiking more often. This is the Law of Attraction in action.
As a Law of Attraction coach, I have seen hundreds of my clients create gorgeously thin, toned, and healthy bodies by changing the thoughts, images, and emotions they send out to the Universe on a consistent basis. They began feeling thin before they were thin. They would imagine themselves in the size dress they wanted to wear before they could fit into it. They would imagine themselves performing challenging physical activities with grace and ease. And their bodies listened! By vividly imagining already living in the bodies of their dreams on a consistent basis, it seemed that their bodies gently started to morph into the image that the client was holding of their gorgeous figure!
The Universe then moved heaven and earth to make the weight loss happen. It all became easy and natural. It no longer felt like these clients were knocking their heads against a wall just to lose a couple of pounds. They would attract the right news article, discover the right eating program for their body, find the right book for them, or join the right gym, etc. I have seen people create the exact bodies they wanted after nothing else seemed to work. (How could it work when our bodies kept responding to the overweight images we kept feeding them)?
In my book, Feel It Real! A Guided Approach To Bringing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life, I have provided some exercises for those who are wanting to lose weight using the Law of Attraction.
Here is one of them. It's called "The Sculpture Game."
This game involves imagining the feelings you would experience if you had your ideal figure already.
Close your eyes. Put your arms in front of you and vividly imagine touching a sculpture of yourself with your ideal body. If you are feeling your body as thinner, feel the details of your slender face, your well-defined cheekbones. Feel your arms thinner and more toned, feel your hip bones. If you want to manifest more muscles, imagine feeling your toned biceps and your strong legs. Feel your curves and angles, as if you were really touching them right now. What does it feel like? Feel the skin across your stomach, your chest, your neck. Do this long enough until you feel a very real emotional response. Do it until you feel your body chemistry shift into the joy of having this body you love. Hold on to this feeling for as long as you can.
If you are feeling creative you may even want to buy some clay and sculpt your ideal body. Remember to have fun with this. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece; it just has to help you get into the feeling place of having the body you desire.
Play the sculpture game every day for thirty days and your body will start responding by morphing into the self image you are feeding it. The Universe will respond by bringing into your life the exact resources and information that will make it easy for you to create the body you love!
Love and magic,
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
There's a CURE for depression?
What is the Easiest and Most Natural Way to Cure My Depression?
If you or someone you love suffers from mild to moderate depression, what if I told you there is a completely natural way to treat it that is totally safe with no side effects and is completely free of charge?
Would you be interested?
Keep reading and you will find EIGHT TIPS for naturally curing your own mild to moderate depression!
I'm here to tell you there is a way to cure your depression in a completely natural way. I'm not talking about treating the depression. I'm talking about curing it. (For severe depression, I'm not a doctor, so I recommend getting treatment from a medical professional but I think this method will help at least somewhat with severe depression too!)
How do I know this method works? Because I cured my own mild depression this way and I am helping hundreds of people do the same thing every day.
What is the secret to naturally curing depression?
The answer is simple.
By learning to change your own body chemistry.
What do you mean by changing your own body chemistry?
If you look at what antidepressants and other mood altering pharmaceuticals do, they basically adjust your own body's chemistry so that you have more feel good hormones and chemicals running through your bloodstream and body. That's it. That's all they do.
How on earth do you do that without medication?
The secret weapon for altering your own body chemistry is closer than you think.
I'll give you a hint. It weighs about three pounds and can be found between your ears.
That's right.
Your brain!
The secret to curing your own depression is within your own brain. It's the most powerful pharmaceutical company in existence. It has more mood altering chemicals and hormones that you can find in any pharmacy!
What we focus on with our mind has been proven by biologists to alter our own body's chemistry.
Let's try an experiment.
Close your eyes right now and vividly imagine eating a lemon. You cut it in half and squeeze the juice of one of the halves of the lemon into your mouth. Feel the juice as it hits your tongue and then as you swallow it. Smell the lemony smell and taste it on your taste buds. Feel the trickle of juice as it hits your mouth. Really get into all the sensations of tasting the lemon.
Are you noticing anything happening to your body's chemistry? If you're paying close attention, you'll see that your mouth has started to water. You are producing exponentially more saliva in your mouth than you were just a few short seconds ago.
But you're not actually eating a lemon! How is it that your body is creating all these chemical changes without actually eating the lemon?
Because of this wonderful little secret! Your body cannot tell the difference between a vividly imagined event and an actual event. Just think about it. When you go to a scary movie, you know that nothing is actually threatening you in the movie theater. But your heart rate speeds up. Your adrenals squirt out some adrenaline. Blood rushes to your limbs and you get sweaty palms. Why is this happening? There isn't an axe murderer in the theater.
It's because you are VIVIDLY IMAGINING the scary event and your poor little body can't completely tell that it's not actually happening!
"That's all great, but how can this help me cure my depression?" you ask.
Just think about it. If your body chemistry alters in response to whatever you're focusing on, then when you decide to imagine happy events, guess what?Yep. Your body chemistry will begin to put out the happy feel good chemicals associated with those happy events.
When you do this on a very consistent basis (as we do in the Feel It Real! Interactive Coaching Program), you will actually begin to rewire your brain and alter the dominant chemicals within your body so that your body actually becomes trained to secrete the "feel good hormones" instead of the stress and depression hormones.
So how do you learn to retrain your body's chemistry? Following are Eight Tips for learning to channel your own inner pharmacist and release the feel good hormones at will in order to cure your own depression.
Tip #1 Spend ten minutes every day vividly imagining your greatest desires coming true.
In our Feel It Real Interactive Coaching Program, we train you to spend time every day vividly imagining all your dreams coming true in order to activate the happy body chemistry and mood enhancing chemicals in your own bloodstream and body. When you vividly imagine your life as you want it to be, your body can't tell the difference between the real and imagined event and you actually active these happy hormones at will! You will learn to watch the "happy movie" of your life and activate the happy body chemicals that go along with that vividly imagined experience.
Tip #2 Take time every day to be grateful for what is good in your life now.
Nothing gets the "feel good chemicals" flowing in your body more freely than the feelings of being grateful. Gratitude is like a muscle and needs to be worked out daily for the body's chemistry to be altered consistently enough to form new "hormonal habits" with your inner chemistry. In the Feel It Real! Interactive Coaching Program, we teach you to train your own mind to be grateful at all times. We even have a "gratitude lounge" where you go daily to post any and all things you are grateful for. When you train yourself to be grateful, you are basically training your inner hormones to make you happy! Daily practice is the key, but the payoff is no more depression!
Tip #3 Practice energy therapy using things like the Emotional Freedom Technique or "E.F.T."
Our bodies are made up of energy patterns. Eastern medicine has known this for centuries. Practices such as acupuncture, energy medicine, reiki, etc. have been around forever because they work. Emotional Freedom Technique ( founded by Gary Craig offers a simplified version of energy healing where you learn to tap on acupuncture points of your own body to alter your body's chemistry. Using EFT helped me with anxiety when nothing else would work because it directly alters your body chemistry, almost immediately! What's more? Tapping on your body to cure depression is absolutely free and immediate and there are no side effects!
Tip #4 Learn to master your power emotions.
In the Feel It Real Interactive Coaching Program we teach you how to get your body to resonate at certain emotional frequencies for extended amounts of time. We train you how to get your own body to feel joy, bliss, fun, gratitude, and love at a moment's notice. We teach you how to activate those emotions so they become the dominant emotions that are wired into your own nervous system. Once you practice them enough, they actually become anchored into your own nervous system and it will become the natural state of your body's inner chemistry. One way to learn to feel these emotions at will is to think of times in your life when you DID feel these feelings and vividly imagine these times for five minutes a day. For instance, if you want to learn to feel the feelings of joy at will (because joy cures depression) and to activate all the body chemicals that go along with joy, then you close your eyes for five minutes every day and vividly imagine the most joyful time in your life. It's important to imagine it long enough so that you start to feel your body chemistry begin to change (just like when we imagined eating the lemon). So, you vividly imagine that time at Disneyland, or when you held your baby in your arms for the first time, or the first kiss, or whatever made you feel incredibly joyful and you do this for five minutes a day. It's important that you use a memory that has only joy (no sadness) attached to it for this exercise.
Tip #5 Move your body in joyful ways!
What we do with our body actually influences our inner pharmacy as well. When we do aerobic exercise, for instance, we activate endorphins, which are the body's natural pain relievers! Many people report getting a "runner's high" from running. This is because they are actually activating their own inner pharmacy and releasing a very enjoyable chemical into their blood stream. Other things you can do to activate these inner feel good chemicals are through things like the following: Tai Chi, which influences the body's energy system and releases a host of feel good chemicals.
Yoga, which heals the lymphatic system and glandular system as well, thus releasing great feel good chemicals into the bloodstream.
Deep Breathing, which increases oxygen to the blood, brain, and lymphatic system, causing several different feel good chemicals to be released into the body.
Dancing! It is one of the fastest ways to release feel good chemicals into the body. Something about dancing relieves depression almost immediately. If you are in the middle of a depression energy pattern, stand up, put on some happy music and start dancing. You will be amazed at how quickly you shift your body chemicals back to feeling good!
Tip #6 Have more fun!
The last thing people who are suffering from depression want to do is go out and have some fun, but, ironically, this is one of the fastest ways to shift from a negative chemical secretion to a positive chemical secretion. In many ways, it's the people who are depressed who need to have fun the most! When you do something that is fun for you (each person is unique in what constitutes fun) the body will naturally release all sorts of feel good chemicals into the bloodstream. Fun and play is a natural stress reliever among many animals and it has been shown scientifically that animals that weren't allowed to play became depressed! Your body actually needs fun and play to unwind and de-stress and it does this by releasing these natural feel good hormones into your body. It's important to start thinking of having fun as a mandatory part of self-treating depression, rather than just a frivolous act!
Tip #7 Eat foods that activate your body's feel good chemicals.
Hippocrates said, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." There is nothing that affects our blood chemistry as quickly or as dramatically as what we are eating all day long. There are many foods that have been known to exacerbate depression (like the excessive use of alcohol) and there are just as many foods that are known to activate happy hormones in the body. Most raw foods such as fruits and vegetables and nuts are high vibrational foods with their natural enzymes intact. Our bodies were designed to eat raw foods so the feel good chemicals we release when we eat a diet high in raw vegetable, fruit, and nut content have sometimes been known to cure depression all by themselves! Some raw foodists say that they were able to completely go off all anti-depressants after eating a mostly raw diet! So if you want elevated moods, consider eating more food in its raw and unprocessed state! Stay away from things like refined sugar and foods processed with chemicals as these activate depression-enhancing chemicals within the body.
Tip #8 Practice some form of meditation.
More and more doctors and biologists are finding dramatic outcomes related to meditation. They say that meditation lowers blood pressure, relieves anxiety, and releases a whole host of comforting and relaxing chemicals into the body's bloodstream. Meditation also helps us to visualize more clearly our happy futures that will activate our body chemistry in depression relieving ways. Meditation is a way to detach from the criticial inner voice that is always activating negative inner chemical states. From learning to meditate, we sleep better and have more neutrality and detachment from the negative voices in our heads.
In summary, the ultimate anti-depressant is our own brain! When we learn to follow these eight tips on a daily basis, we literally reprogram our own body chemistry and end depression at its causal state rather than just treating the symptoms with medications. There are also herbs you can use if you would like a bit more support (St. John's Wart is a good one) than these tips above. But remember, at the end of the day, your body will release the feel good chemicals into your bloodstream because of what you choose to focus on! Focus in ways that activate the feel good emotions.
Oh, and an added bonus to curing your own depression? When you learn to visualize the desires you want as already here, you activate the Law of Attraction and actually attract better outer experiences into your life!
Here's to your happiness!
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If you or someone you love suffers from mild to moderate depression, what if I told you there is a completely natural way to treat it that is totally safe with no side effects and is completely free of charge?
Would you be interested?
Keep reading and you will find EIGHT TIPS for naturally curing your own mild to moderate depression!
I'm here to tell you there is a way to cure your depression in a completely natural way. I'm not talking about treating the depression. I'm talking about curing it. (For severe depression, I'm not a doctor, so I recommend getting treatment from a medical professional but I think this method will help at least somewhat with severe depression too!)
How do I know this method works? Because I cured my own mild depression this way and I am helping hundreds of people do the same thing every day.
What is the secret to naturally curing depression?
The answer is simple.
By learning to change your own body chemistry.
What do you mean by changing your own body chemistry?
If you look at what antidepressants and other mood altering pharmaceuticals do, they basically adjust your own body's chemistry so that you have more feel good hormones and chemicals running through your bloodstream and body. That's it. That's all they do.
How on earth do you do that without medication?
The secret weapon for altering your own body chemistry is closer than you think.
I'll give you a hint. It weighs about three pounds and can be found between your ears.
That's right.
Your brain!
The secret to curing your own depression is within your own brain. It's the most powerful pharmaceutical company in existence. It has more mood altering chemicals and hormones that you can find in any pharmacy!
What we focus on with our mind has been proven by biologists to alter our own body's chemistry.
Let's try an experiment.
Close your eyes right now and vividly imagine eating a lemon. You cut it in half and squeeze the juice of one of the halves of the lemon into your mouth. Feel the juice as it hits your tongue and then as you swallow it. Smell the lemony smell and taste it on your taste buds. Feel the trickle of juice as it hits your mouth. Really get into all the sensations of tasting the lemon.
Are you noticing anything happening to your body's chemistry? If you're paying close attention, you'll see that your mouth has started to water. You are producing exponentially more saliva in your mouth than you were just a few short seconds ago.
But you're not actually eating a lemon! How is it that your body is creating all these chemical changes without actually eating the lemon?
Because of this wonderful little secret! Your body cannot tell the difference between a vividly imagined event and an actual event. Just think about it. When you go to a scary movie, you know that nothing is actually threatening you in the movie theater. But your heart rate speeds up. Your adrenals squirt out some adrenaline. Blood rushes to your limbs and you get sweaty palms. Why is this happening? There isn't an axe murderer in the theater.
It's because you are VIVIDLY IMAGINING the scary event and your poor little body can't completely tell that it's not actually happening!
"That's all great, but how can this help me cure my depression?" you ask.
Just think about it. If your body chemistry alters in response to whatever you're focusing on, then when you decide to imagine happy events, guess what?Yep. Your body chemistry will begin to put out the happy feel good chemicals associated with those happy events.
When you do this on a very consistent basis (as we do in the Feel It Real! Interactive Coaching Program), you will actually begin to rewire your brain and alter the dominant chemicals within your body so that your body actually becomes trained to secrete the "feel good hormones" instead of the stress and depression hormones.
So how do you learn to retrain your body's chemistry? Following are Eight Tips for learning to channel your own inner pharmacist and release the feel good hormones at will in order to cure your own depression.
Tip #1 Spend ten minutes every day vividly imagining your greatest desires coming true.
In our Feel It Real Interactive Coaching Program, we train you to spend time every day vividly imagining all your dreams coming true in order to activate the happy body chemistry and mood enhancing chemicals in your own bloodstream and body. When you vividly imagine your life as you want it to be, your body can't tell the difference between the real and imagined event and you actually active these happy hormones at will! You will learn to watch the "happy movie" of your life and activate the happy body chemicals that go along with that vividly imagined experience.
Tip #2 Take time every day to be grateful for what is good in your life now.
Nothing gets the "feel good chemicals" flowing in your body more freely than the feelings of being grateful. Gratitude is like a muscle and needs to be worked out daily for the body's chemistry to be altered consistently enough to form new "hormonal habits" with your inner chemistry. In the Feel It Real! Interactive Coaching Program, we teach you to train your own mind to be grateful at all times. We even have a "gratitude lounge" where you go daily to post any and all things you are grateful for. When you train yourself to be grateful, you are basically training your inner hormones to make you happy! Daily practice is the key, but the payoff is no more depression!
Tip #3 Practice energy therapy using things like the Emotional Freedom Technique or "E.F.T."
Our bodies are made up of energy patterns. Eastern medicine has known this for centuries. Practices such as acupuncture, energy medicine, reiki, etc. have been around forever because they work. Emotional Freedom Technique ( founded by Gary Craig offers a simplified version of energy healing where you learn to tap on acupuncture points of your own body to alter your body's chemistry. Using EFT helped me with anxiety when nothing else would work because it directly alters your body chemistry, almost immediately! What's more? Tapping on your body to cure depression is absolutely free and immediate and there are no side effects!
Tip #4 Learn to master your power emotions.
In the Feel It Real Interactive Coaching Program we teach you how to get your body to resonate at certain emotional frequencies for extended amounts of time. We train you how to get your own body to feel joy, bliss, fun, gratitude, and love at a moment's notice. We teach you how to activate those emotions so they become the dominant emotions that are wired into your own nervous system. Once you practice them enough, they actually become anchored into your own nervous system and it will become the natural state of your body's inner chemistry. One way to learn to feel these emotions at will is to think of times in your life when you DID feel these feelings and vividly imagine these times for five minutes a day. For instance, if you want to learn to feel the feelings of joy at will (because joy cures depression) and to activate all the body chemicals that go along with joy, then you close your eyes for five minutes every day and vividly imagine the most joyful time in your life. It's important to imagine it long enough so that you start to feel your body chemistry begin to change (just like when we imagined eating the lemon). So, you vividly imagine that time at Disneyland, or when you held your baby in your arms for the first time, or the first kiss, or whatever made you feel incredibly joyful and you do this for five minutes a day. It's important that you use a memory that has only joy (no sadness) attached to it for this exercise.
Tip #5 Move your body in joyful ways!
What we do with our body actually influences our inner pharmacy as well. When we do aerobic exercise, for instance, we activate endorphins, which are the body's natural pain relievers! Many people report getting a "runner's high" from running. This is because they are actually activating their own inner pharmacy and releasing a very enjoyable chemical into their blood stream. Other things you can do to activate these inner feel good chemicals are through things like the following: Tai Chi, which influences the body's energy system and releases a host of feel good chemicals.
Yoga, which heals the lymphatic system and glandular system as well, thus releasing great feel good chemicals into the bloodstream.
Deep Breathing, which increases oxygen to the blood, brain, and lymphatic system, causing several different feel good chemicals to be released into the body.
Dancing! It is one of the fastest ways to release feel good chemicals into the body. Something about dancing relieves depression almost immediately. If you are in the middle of a depression energy pattern, stand up, put on some happy music and start dancing. You will be amazed at how quickly you shift your body chemicals back to feeling good!
Tip #6 Have more fun!
The last thing people who are suffering from depression want to do is go out and have some fun, but, ironically, this is one of the fastest ways to shift from a negative chemical secretion to a positive chemical secretion. In many ways, it's the people who are depressed who need to have fun the most! When you do something that is fun for you (each person is unique in what constitutes fun) the body will naturally release all sorts of feel good chemicals into the bloodstream. Fun and play is a natural stress reliever among many animals and it has been shown scientifically that animals that weren't allowed to play became depressed! Your body actually needs fun and play to unwind and de-stress and it does this by releasing these natural feel good hormones into your body. It's important to start thinking of having fun as a mandatory part of self-treating depression, rather than just a frivolous act!
Tip #7 Eat foods that activate your body's feel good chemicals.
Hippocrates said, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." There is nothing that affects our blood chemistry as quickly or as dramatically as what we are eating all day long. There are many foods that have been known to exacerbate depression (like the excessive use of alcohol) and there are just as many foods that are known to activate happy hormones in the body. Most raw foods such as fruits and vegetables and nuts are high vibrational foods with their natural enzymes intact. Our bodies were designed to eat raw foods so the feel good chemicals we release when we eat a diet high in raw vegetable, fruit, and nut content have sometimes been known to cure depression all by themselves! Some raw foodists say that they were able to completely go off all anti-depressants after eating a mostly raw diet! So if you want elevated moods, consider eating more food in its raw and unprocessed state! Stay away from things like refined sugar and foods processed with chemicals as these activate depression-enhancing chemicals within the body.
Tip #8 Practice some form of meditation.
More and more doctors and biologists are finding dramatic outcomes related to meditation. They say that meditation lowers blood pressure, relieves anxiety, and releases a whole host of comforting and relaxing chemicals into the body's bloodstream. Meditation also helps us to visualize more clearly our happy futures that will activate our body chemistry in depression relieving ways. Meditation is a way to detach from the criticial inner voice that is always activating negative inner chemical states. From learning to meditate, we sleep better and have more neutrality and detachment from the negative voices in our heads.
In summary, the ultimate anti-depressant is our own brain! When we learn to follow these eight tips on a daily basis, we literally reprogram our own body chemistry and end depression at its causal state rather than just treating the symptoms with medications. There are also herbs you can use if you would like a bit more support (St. John's Wart is a good one) than these tips above. But remember, at the end of the day, your body will release the feel good chemicals into your bloodstream because of what you choose to focus on! Focus in ways that activate the feel good emotions.
Oh, and an added bonus to curing your own depression? When you learn to visualize the desires you want as already here, you activate the Law of Attraction and actually attract better outer experiences into your life!
Here's to your happiness!
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
How To Create A Thriving Economy By Using The Law of Attraction
A couple of my Feel It Real! Interactive Coaching Program students recently made it their personal intention to help the U.S. economy to thrive once again and to be better than ever by using The Law of Attraction to imagine the economy as they wish it to be. By using the Feel It Real! techniques I teach in my program, they both quickly manifested positive news media stories regarding the U.S. economy within a few days of their initial intention. They have since turned this Thriving Economy Intention into a project of theirs on our website, Every day they intend for the economy to thrive and shine better than ever before.
Feeling It Real! is a form of Law of Attraction that says we attract our reality to us by how we're focusing/feeling. If we're focusing on what we want and getting into the feeling place of having what we want, we'll attract it. We create our entire reality, including how the economy is showing up in our lives, by the feelings and thoughts we focus on all day long. So if you believe in The Law of Attraction and you want to help create a thriving economy once again, here are six tips to help get you started.
Tip #1- Stop Watching/Listening/Reading Any Negative Economy News Stories For Thirty Days Straight:
In order to get a clear vision for imagining what we do want(In this case a thriving economy), we need to take our focus off of what we don't want long enough to imagine our desire fulfilled. If we do a bunch of visualizing and feeling like the economy is flowing with abundance and then we turn around and watch a lot of negative news stories, it's like drinking a diet soda after eating an entire pizza by ourselves. The soda isn't going to do much good. We need to "un-stimulate" ourselves from the negative outcomes so that we have a more fertile imagination for the desires we want to manifest. You can watch and read other news stories(if you want) but when it comes to the economy, you're on a diet from all the negative stories!
Tip #2-Think of a Time in U.S. History When Our Economy Was Thriving and Flowing With Abundance.
If You Don't Remember A Time Like This (Because You were too young, etc.) then ask others who do remember a time like this what it was like for them to live with this kind of economy. Think about how it felt to have such an abundant economy with so much surplus and more than enough. Really try to activate those emotions in your body of what that kind of economy felt like or would feel like had you lived at that time.
Tip #3- Vividly Imagine A Positive News Story Using Currently Popular Newscasters Where They Announce Over And Over Again How Well The Economy is Doing/How Things Have Turned Around For the Better/etc.
Do this three minutes a day for thirty days in a row. The more vividly you imagine this scenario and the more often you do it, the more powerful an effect you will have vibrationally on the economy. Try to see the outfit that Diane Sawyer is wearing as she speaks of the 'best economy the U.S. has ever enjoyed." See Katie Couric's excitement as she talks about the newly booming economy, etc.. Do this for three minutes a day every day for thirty days.
Tip #4- Get into the Feeling Place of Already Living in The Best Economy Imaginable right now. Ask yourself What Ten Emotions You Would Feel if You were Living In The Best Economy of All Time.
Many Law of Attraction teachers don't focus as much attention on the feelings you would have if your desire had manifested, but at Feel it Real we believe it's the most important aspect of manifesting our desires. When we can vividly imagine the feelings we would have when our dreams have come true, we not only activate new chemical responses in our bodies, we also send off new vibrational signals that attract our desires to us more quickly. The more powerful our emotional intensity, the faster we will attract our desire to us. Write down the ten emotions you would feel if the economy was booming (i.e. abundant, safe, ease, flow, security, wealthy, freedom, etc.) and then imagine things that help you to feel these feelings all day long for thirty days straight.
Tip #5- Be Grateful For What is Going Right With the Current Economy/Government/Flow of Abundance in The United States. Notice every little and big thing that makes you smile or gives you hope about our economy and government.
It's an epidemic in our country to focus constantly on what's wrong with everything. What's wrong with our bodies, what's wrong with our health, what's wrong with our mates, what's wrong with our finances, and, of course, what's wrong with our government. This unfortunately only attracts more things not to like since the Law of Attraction says "Whatever you focus on expands." Even if there are many things about the current economy or Government that you would like to change, by dwelling on the problem, you are not a part of the solution. We need to plant our desires in the fertile ground of gratitude. When we find something that is going well with our economy, our government, our country, we flow abundant and healing energy to the entire system. So every day for the next thirty days, write down three things you appreciate about your economy, your economic structure, your political structure or your country in general. You will notice a shift in your own frequency and moods first and then you will notice the economy reflecting your positive energy back to you.
Tip #6- Put a Positive Spin On Why The Economy Was Challenged In The First Place So Your Improved Attitude Raises The Vibration of The Situation.
Shakespeare once said, "Nothing is good or bad. But thinking makes it so." It's not the events of our lives that maks us happy or sad so much as our interpretation of those events. When we can put a positive spin on a challenging situation, we immediately bring a higher vibrational frequency to the table, thus positively influencing the outcomes. There's always a gift to be found, even in negative situations. Can you find the gift in the current challenge? Write out three possible positives that could come from this current Ecomomic Challenge. For example, you could say, "I never really appreciated how prosperous our country was until it felt challenged. I can really appreciate the good times in a whole new way now!" etc.
Follow these six tips for the next thirty days and then notice as the shifts take place in the outer world based on your frequency. Remember, you are creating your entire reality, including how the economy looks right now in the outer world. You can recreate it in a moment! Yes, you are that powerful!
Love and Magic,
Feeling It Real! is a form of Law of Attraction that says we attract our reality to us by how we're focusing/feeling. If we're focusing on what we want and getting into the feeling place of having what we want, we'll attract it. We create our entire reality, including how the economy is showing up in our lives, by the feelings and thoughts we focus on all day long. So if you believe in The Law of Attraction and you want to help create a thriving economy once again, here are six tips to help get you started.
Tip #1- Stop Watching/Listening/Reading Any Negative Economy News Stories For Thirty Days Straight:
In order to get a clear vision for imagining what we do want(In this case a thriving economy), we need to take our focus off of what we don't want long enough to imagine our desire fulfilled. If we do a bunch of visualizing and feeling like the economy is flowing with abundance and then we turn around and watch a lot of negative news stories, it's like drinking a diet soda after eating an entire pizza by ourselves. The soda isn't going to do much good. We need to "un-stimulate" ourselves from the negative outcomes so that we have a more fertile imagination for the desires we want to manifest. You can watch and read other news stories(if you want) but when it comes to the economy, you're on a diet from all the negative stories!
Tip #2-Think of a Time in U.S. History When Our Economy Was Thriving and Flowing With Abundance.
If You Don't Remember A Time Like This (Because You were too young, etc.) then ask others who do remember a time like this what it was like for them to live with this kind of economy. Think about how it felt to have such an abundant economy with so much surplus and more than enough. Really try to activate those emotions in your body of what that kind of economy felt like or would feel like had you lived at that time.
Tip #3- Vividly Imagine A Positive News Story Using Currently Popular Newscasters Where They Announce Over And Over Again How Well The Economy is Doing/How Things Have Turned Around For the Better/etc.
Do this three minutes a day for thirty days in a row. The more vividly you imagine this scenario and the more often you do it, the more powerful an effect you will have vibrationally on the economy. Try to see the outfit that Diane Sawyer is wearing as she speaks of the 'best economy the U.S. has ever enjoyed." See Katie Couric's excitement as she talks about the newly booming economy, etc.. Do this for three minutes a day every day for thirty days.
Tip #4- Get into the Feeling Place of Already Living in The Best Economy Imaginable right now. Ask yourself What Ten Emotions You Would Feel if You were Living In The Best Economy of All Time.
Many Law of Attraction teachers don't focus as much attention on the feelings you would have if your desire had manifested, but at Feel it Real we believe it's the most important aspect of manifesting our desires. When we can vividly imagine the feelings we would have when our dreams have come true, we not only activate new chemical responses in our bodies, we also send off new vibrational signals that attract our desires to us more quickly. The more powerful our emotional intensity, the faster we will attract our desire to us. Write down the ten emotions you would feel if the economy was booming (i.e. abundant, safe, ease, flow, security, wealthy, freedom, etc.) and then imagine things that help you to feel these feelings all day long for thirty days straight.
Tip #5- Be Grateful For What is Going Right With the Current Economy/Government/Flow of Abundance in The United States. Notice every little and big thing that makes you smile or gives you hope about our economy and government.
It's an epidemic in our country to focus constantly on what's wrong with everything. What's wrong with our bodies, what's wrong with our health, what's wrong with our mates, what's wrong with our finances, and, of course, what's wrong with our government. This unfortunately only attracts more things not to like since the Law of Attraction says "Whatever you focus on expands." Even if there are many things about the current economy or Government that you would like to change, by dwelling on the problem, you are not a part of the solution. We need to plant our desires in the fertile ground of gratitude. When we find something that is going well with our economy, our government, our country, we flow abundant and healing energy to the entire system. So every day for the next thirty days, write down three things you appreciate about your economy, your economic structure, your political structure or your country in general. You will notice a shift in your own frequency and moods first and then you will notice the economy reflecting your positive energy back to you.
Tip #6- Put a Positive Spin On Why The Economy Was Challenged In The First Place So Your Improved Attitude Raises The Vibration of The Situation.
Shakespeare once said, "Nothing is good or bad. But thinking makes it so." It's not the events of our lives that maks us happy or sad so much as our interpretation of those events. When we can put a positive spin on a challenging situation, we immediately bring a higher vibrational frequency to the table, thus positively influencing the outcomes. There's always a gift to be found, even in negative situations. Can you find the gift in the current challenge? Write out three possible positives that could come from this current Ecomomic Challenge. For example, you could say, "I never really appreciated how prosperous our country was until it felt challenged. I can really appreciate the good times in a whole new way now!" etc.
Follow these six tips for the next thirty days and then notice as the shifts take place in the outer world based on your frequency. Remember, you are creating your entire reality, including how the economy looks right now in the outer world. You can recreate it in a moment! Yes, you are that powerful!
Love and Magic,
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Feel Like All Your Desires Are Hobbies
When we have an energy towards our desires of needing them to happen in order for us to be happy, we are sending out a signal that pushes them farther away from us. But when we can feel that our lives are incredibly wonderful and beautiful now(gratitude is the fertile soil of creation), then our desires can be like hobbies. An extra bonus to an already perfect life!
This is an incredibly powerful magnetic stance to take. In fact the more you want a desire, the more important vibrationally it is to feel like it's no big deal whether you get it or not! We need to have a light touch with manifesting because needing, longing, yearning vibrations are not magnetic to desires, but rather they magnetize more lack into our lives.
Can you see that your life is already perfect and that anything added onto it is gravy? Can you spend the majority of your days dwelling on what's already here that's good? Socrates said, "He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have." When you become so contented with what you already have, your desires become a fun addition to a wonderful life and you become incredibly magnetic to all you desires!
Let your desires be a bonus to an already perfect life and watch them come true!
Love and Magic,
This is an incredibly powerful magnetic stance to take. In fact the more you want a desire, the more important vibrationally it is to feel like it's no big deal whether you get it or not! We need to have a light touch with manifesting because needing, longing, yearning vibrations are not magnetic to desires, but rather they magnetize more lack into our lives.
Can you see that your life is already perfect and that anything added onto it is gravy? Can you spend the majority of your days dwelling on what's already here that's good? Socrates said, "He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have." When you become so contented with what you already have, your desires become a fun addition to a wonderful life and you become incredibly magnetic to all you desires!
Let your desires be a bonus to an already perfect life and watch them come true!
Love and Magic,
Monday, March 24, 2008
The most powerful thing we can do...
The most powerful thing we can do to feel it real is this:
Instead of using the feelings to get the outcomes. Use the imagined outcomes to get the feelings.
This makes us happier in our now AND more powerful at manifesting.
Imagine living in that dream home for the feelings it gives you. Imagine being a megamillionaire for the feelings it gives you. Imagine true love for the feelings it gives you.
LOVE you all,
Instead of using the feelings to get the outcomes. Use the imagined outcomes to get the feelings.
This makes us happier in our now AND more powerful at manifesting.
Imagine living in that dream home for the feelings it gives you. Imagine being a megamillionaire for the feelings it gives you. Imagine true love for the feelings it gives you.
LOVE you all,
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Why is Fun So Important?
Too often, with Law of Attraction and Feeling it Real. people become quite serious about manifesting. This wouldn't be a big deal if being very serious wasn't sending out the vibration of "I don't have it now and manifesting it is crucial." Which, as you can guess, isn't the highest of frequencies. When we can make feeling it real fun, we raise the vibration of our manifesting to one of "life is good now, and this neat thing would be wonderful too!". This, as you can imagine, nets more powerful results.
Unfortunately, the vibration of "fun" or "play" is seen as quite frivolous in our action oriented society. Many people actually plan on waiting to have fun until they retire! But, the truth about the vibration of fun is that it is a high vibrating, fast moving frequency that always helps with peoples' manifesting, never hinders.
Haven't you ever noticed in your own life when you take time off from solving your problems and go do something for the pure joy of it, the problem more often than not, works itself out? We don't usually associate the having fun with the problem being worked out, but I've noticed in studying vibration, that FUN acts like a fuel of sorts to manifesting. That's why we have a game in my book and on the free forums called "Filling your Fun Tank" because when that "tank" runs low, we might as well stop doing our manifesting exercises because the car isn't really going to go anywhere if we're not having any fun. That's also why I call the exercises "games" in both the book, Feel it Real! and in the ICP program. The word "game" has quite a fun frequency, whereas "exercise" or "process" sounds somewhat like a college exam!
So, how can you make manifesting your desires more fun? Well, it may sound ironic, but taking fun tank day very seriously every seventh day of the program is a start. Truly make yourself have as much fun as you can on those days. In fact, in week twelve of the I.C.P. program, we've dedicated an entire week to the students having nothing but fun and keeping a 'fun log'. You can hold the FUN note for sixteen counts. You can do something little or big today just for the fun of it. You can play a game in a fun way, maybe at the beach or on a fun hike, or blowing soap bubbles, or even while watching TV. If you have kids or pets, fun just got a lot easier, because it's their natural state to have as much fun every day as possible.
So, today I invite you to stop seeing "fun" as a distraction from your manifesting, but rather to see it as the very fuel that enables your manifestation car to drive to the finish line!
What fun are you going to have today?
Unfortunately, the vibration of "fun" or "play" is seen as quite frivolous in our action oriented society. Many people actually plan on waiting to have fun until they retire! But, the truth about the vibration of fun is that it is a high vibrating, fast moving frequency that always helps with peoples' manifesting, never hinders.
Haven't you ever noticed in your own life when you take time off from solving your problems and go do something for the pure joy of it, the problem more often than not, works itself out? We don't usually associate the having fun with the problem being worked out, but I've noticed in studying vibration, that FUN acts like a fuel of sorts to manifesting. That's why we have a game in my book and on the free forums called "Filling your Fun Tank" because when that "tank" runs low, we might as well stop doing our manifesting exercises because the car isn't really going to go anywhere if we're not having any fun. That's also why I call the exercises "games" in both the book, Feel it Real! and in the ICP program. The word "game" has quite a fun frequency, whereas "exercise" or "process" sounds somewhat like a college exam!
So, how can you make manifesting your desires more fun? Well, it may sound ironic, but taking fun tank day very seriously every seventh day of the program is a start. Truly make yourself have as much fun as you can on those days. In fact, in week twelve of the I.C.P. program, we've dedicated an entire week to the students having nothing but fun and keeping a 'fun log'. You can hold the FUN note for sixteen counts. You can do something little or big today just for the fun of it. You can play a game in a fun way, maybe at the beach or on a fun hike, or blowing soap bubbles, or even while watching TV. If you have kids or pets, fun just got a lot easier, because it's their natural state to have as much fun every day as possible.
So, today I invite you to stop seeing "fun" as a distraction from your manifesting, but rather to see it as the very fuel that enables your manifestation car to drive to the finish line!
What fun are you going to have today?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
"Leggo My Ego!"
Okay, so today I was chatting with a friend about the 'ego'. Some teachers say to embrace it. Some teachers say the ego is the "enemy", etc.
After I got off the phone, I turned within and asked my Inner Guidance "What's up with this whole "ego" thing? Why do so many teachers say it's not good, etc. etc. What is the "ego" anyway?
Well, I felt a surge of happy goosebumps(always a clear sign that my Intuition is speaking) and I got a FIRBEE translation of what the "ego" is.
The Ego= The wanting feeling.
The Spirit=The having feeling.
The ego says I want things. The Spirit says I have everything. The ego says there's not enough. The Spirit says there's more than enough.
Desiring from the ego/wanting feeling is painful. Desiring from our Spirit of feeling like we already have it is heavenly.
Neat, huh?
But instead of hating our wanting/needing feelings, why not LOVE those feelings too? Thank them, embrace them. Talk tenderly to our wanting/needing feelings. Tell them we love them too and instantly the "ego" melts into havingness and love.
I love you. I say thank you to you all today. I love having a place to share this stuff!
Love and Magic,
After I got off the phone, I turned within and asked my Inner Guidance "What's up with this whole "ego" thing? Why do so many teachers say it's not good, etc. etc. What is the "ego" anyway?
Well, I felt a surge of happy goosebumps(always a clear sign that my Intuition is speaking) and I got a FIRBEE translation of what the "ego" is.
The Ego= The wanting feeling.
The Spirit=The having feeling.
The ego says I want things. The Spirit says I have everything. The ego says there's not enough. The Spirit says there's more than enough.
Desiring from the ego/wanting feeling is painful. Desiring from our Spirit of feeling like we already have it is heavenly.
Neat, huh?
But instead of hating our wanting/needing feelings, why not LOVE those feelings too? Thank them, embrace them. Talk tenderly to our wanting/needing feelings. Tell them we love them too and instantly the "ego" melts into havingness and love.
I love you. I say thank you to you all today. I love having a place to share this stuff!
Love and Magic,
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Do It For The Feelings, Not The Manifestations
When we make our secondary goals the manifesting and the primarily goals the feelings, we free up a lot of energy to enjoy the precious present moment!
I like to think of our biggest dreams as the object of our meditation that helps us to feel great bliss in our here and now!
So, why not decide that the only thing you want from your top three desires is all those juicy feelings? And then decide to feel those right now!
Love and Magic,
I like to think of our biggest dreams as the object of our meditation that helps us to feel great bliss in our here and now!
So, why not decide that the only thing you want from your top three desires is all those juicy feelings? And then decide to feel those right now!
Love and Magic,
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Familiarity Breeds Success
Let's face it. The first time you try to get into the feeling place of already having your desires, it may feel a bit contrived, foreign and unfamiliar. That's because you have spent very little time hanging out on that reality's frequency and you are so much more used to the feelings of wanting it or needing it, which means not having it. Becoming familiar with the feelings you would have if you manifested your desire takes time. It takes time to get to know your desire's frequency. Just as when you meet someone for the first time, you aren't familiar enough with them to call them your best friend. It takes time and familiarity.
Can you learn to become friends with the feelings you would have if your desire was already here? The more often you spend time with those feelings (either by doing magnetizers or games or your own process), the more familiar you become with the frequencies and the easier it gets to feel those feelings. Just like after awhile you feel comfortable opening up to a friend you have learned to trust over time.
Another aspect of familiarity is that the more we practice as "vibrational musicians", learning to hold the note of already having our desires, the more naturally our body and brain chemistries change to accommodate the new feelings. Also, the more magnetic we become to these feelings and the thoughts that attract them. After awhile, it gets downright easy to feel the feelings of already having your desire. It just takes repetitive practice.
It takes a few "get to know you dates" with those feelings of having it before it starts to feel normal. Once you get past that initial discomfort, it's like you become fast friends with those feelings and it begins to feel more natural having your desire than not having it.
When that happens, manifestation is inevitable.
So, get to know those feelings. I do my magnetizers every day even now! After awhile the feelings become more and more normal and I know, the more natural it feels, the faster it's on its way to me!
Love and Magic,
Can you learn to become friends with the feelings you would have if your desire was already here? The more often you spend time with those feelings (either by doing magnetizers or games or your own process), the more familiar you become with the frequencies and the easier it gets to feel those feelings. Just like after awhile you feel comfortable opening up to a friend you have learned to trust over time.
Another aspect of familiarity is that the more we practice as "vibrational musicians", learning to hold the note of already having our desires, the more naturally our body and brain chemistries change to accommodate the new feelings. Also, the more magnetic we become to these feelings and the thoughts that attract them. After awhile, it gets downright easy to feel the feelings of already having your desire. It just takes repetitive practice.
It takes a few "get to know you dates" with those feelings of having it before it starts to feel normal. Once you get past that initial discomfort, it's like you become fast friends with those feelings and it begins to feel more natural having your desire than not having it.
When that happens, manifestation is inevitable.
So, get to know those feelings. I do my magnetizers every day even now! After awhile the feelings become more and more normal and I know, the more natural it feels, the faster it's on its way to me!
Love and Magic,
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Difference Between Talking About the Law of Attraction and Actually Applying It
If you find yourself talking about The Law of Attraction like it's a fascinating subject in school, remember that this doesn't necessarily get you attracting your desires. Knowing about it is wonderful and helpful and incredibly interesting. But if you want to see results--Powerful, quick, and amazing results, stop talking about The Law of Attraction and start playing the Feel It Real! games or join the daily coaching program. If you're already in the program, you'll notice I don't spend much time talking about The Law of Attraction or feeling it real in terms of theory. I just get you right into feeling like you already have your desires.
Yes, it would be nice if just talking about the theories behind feeling it real got our vibration attracting in our specific desires, just as it would be nice if talking about the theory of physiology and exercise got us into great shape. But the truth is, at some point, we'll want to get on that treadmill, do some yoga, or lift some weights if we want to tone our muscles. If you want to manifest your desires, you'll want to join a "vibrational gym" and practice feeling like your desires are already here.
I wrote Feel it Real! in order to create games and specific techniques that help us to actually vibrate at having our specific desires. The more practical these games and processes, the more profound the results.
So, today, why don't you ask yourself often, "Am I talking/thinking about feeling it real? Or am I actually practicing the games/processes/techniques that get me vibrating at the feelings of already having my desires, thus emitting a frequency that attracts my good to me?"
If you want a very specific plan for feeling it real, you can try the Feel It Real! I.C.P. three days free. (Find out more HERE) Or, if you want to do something free of charge, just play the games in the Free Forums. That alone can change everything!
Remember, feeling it real is all about vibrating at the frequencies of already having our desires. And we do that by practicing the games that get you into the feeling place, not by learning more theory.
Love and Magic,
Yes, it would be nice if just talking about the theories behind feeling it real got our vibration attracting in our specific desires, just as it would be nice if talking about the theory of physiology and exercise got us into great shape. But the truth is, at some point, we'll want to get on that treadmill, do some yoga, or lift some weights if we want to tone our muscles. If you want to manifest your desires, you'll want to join a "vibrational gym" and practice feeling like your desires are already here.
I wrote Feel it Real! in order to create games and specific techniques that help us to actually vibrate at having our specific desires. The more practical these games and processes, the more profound the results.
So, today, why don't you ask yourself often, "Am I talking/thinking about feeling it real? Or am I actually practicing the games/processes/techniques that get me vibrating at the feelings of already having my desires, thus emitting a frequency that attracts my good to me?"
If you want a very specific plan for feeling it real, you can try the Feel It Real! I.C.P. three days free. (Find out more HERE) Or, if you want to do something free of charge, just play the games in the Free Forums. That alone can change everything!
Remember, feeling it real is all about vibrating at the frequencies of already having our desires. And we do that by practicing the games that get you into the feeling place, not by learning more theory.
Love and Magic,
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